Sweetheart code dress to impress

besties the second part of the

Valentine’s update in dress to impress

is dropping so soon and you need to know

everything that’s coming the new game

mode is cancelled and we’re also getting

new codes I recently gifted several VIP

passes to my subscribers and they were

absolutely thrilled if you want a

permanent VIP pass make sure to

subscribe to my channel and like this

video I usually pick winners from those

who like my videos follow my Roblox

profile and join my group so don’t miss

your chance grab a snack get comfy and

let’s get into it the Valentine’s update

was originally planned in two parts part

one is already out and part two is

dropping today at first the developers

announced the new style showdown game

mode which was supposed to be released

with this update but now they’ve

officially confirmed that it’s been

delayed the reason the game mode isn’t

quite ready yet and needs more work so

they’re pushing the release to March 1st

they want it to be fully polished and

perfect before launch which means we’ll

have to wait a little longer honestly

that’s pretty disappointing but even

though the new mode got delayed the

second part of the update will still

bring some exciting changes and

important bug fixes which is great news

since a lot of players have been dealing

with tons of bugs lately how do you feel

about this were you looking forward to

style Showdown or are you more

interested in the changes coming today

now to make up for the delay the devs

are giving everyone a two times cash

bonus for 48 hours after the update goes

live that means you’ll earn double the

currency just by playing which is a

perfect chance to grind before future

Updates this event will start as soon as

part two of the update drops and will

last for 2 days and here’s the best part

if you already own the double cash game

pass you’ll be getting four times the

currency during this event that’s

absolutely insane so make sure to take

advantage of it and Farm as much as

possible this weekend but that’s not all

VIP players are getting another

exclusive bonus in this update the

developers are bringing back a revamped

version of a dress that was removed from

the game a long time ago the redesign

looks absolutely stunning and I can’t

wait to see it in game although to be

honest I don’t see a huge difference yet

I’m sure once we try it out we’ll notice

all the improvements this updated

version will be VIP exclusive so if you

don’t have VIP access yet make sure to

subscribe and drop a like for a chance

to win a VIP pass the update is dropping

very soon so I’ve put together a list of

time zones for hopefully every country

you can check the exact release time for

your region and make sure you don’t miss

out if you’re confused or can’t find

your country feel free to ask in the

comments and I or someone else will help

you also if you already know your time

zone drop it in the comments to help

others out you can also sign up for for

the event like I showed in the video but

keep in mind the timer is set for March

1st so you probably won’t get a

notification for the second part of the

Valentine’s update the time listed here

should be accurate make sure you know

when the update drops because we have a

limited time code and you don’t want to

miss it the sweetheart code dress is

making a comeback if you missed out on

this rare item you finally have another

chance to get it the developers have

completely reworked the dress and the

code will be available again but only

for 24 hours so make sure you know the

exact time the update drops don’t miss

out because after this it might be gone

forever also if you’ve already redeemed

the sweetheart code dress in the past

you don’t have to enter the code again

the updated version will automatically

appear in your inventory I actually have

the original version of this dress in my

inventory and this is what it looked

like the new version is so much better

and what’s even more exciting is that it

now comes with two toggles you can wear

it as a dress or switch to the shirt and

pants version which is also fully

compatible with male avatars I’m

absolutely obsessed with the new design

especially the pants and button-up shirt

I already know I’ll be using them a lot

what do you guys think are you excited

to get this item Zach is getting his own

item in this update originally it was

rumored to be a code but he confirmed

that it will actually be a physical item

available in the game this new piece

will be released in the second part of

the update and will be free to claim the

item appears to be a shimmery dress with

a Sleek design it looks super cute and

will definitely be a great addition to

any wardrobe it hasn’t been confirmed

yet whether it will be placed in the VIP

room or the main dressing Hall but

either way it’s an exciting release this

is just one of many new items coming in

the update if you noticed the Easter

hunt dress was accidentally removed but

the developer have already confirmed

that it will be back in the game by the

end of the week it’s still unclear where

exactly it will be located possibly in

another hidden spot so for those who

already have it get ready when the

developers released this update and

showed the video I noticed these heels

the thing is they’re not in the game yet

which most likely means they’ll be added

in part two of the update there’s also a

chance that more unrevealed items could

be coming so we might be getting even

more new content we’ve already seen what

looks like a rework of the Mary Jane

heels but for some reason they weren’t

included in the first part of the update

most likely they’re being saved for part

two they definitely look more detailed

and Polished compared to the previous

version so I’m really excited to see

them finally added to the game what do

you all think do you prefer this rework

over the original version a lot of you

already know that the latest update

removed quite a few patterns and

introduced new ones but here’s some

exciting news dress to impress is

officially bringing back the removed

patterns the developers have asked

artists to recreate them as close to the

originals as possible so everyone can

enjoy their favorite designs again these

patterns are expected to return in an

upcoming update there’s even a chance

that some of them might make a comeback

in this update so keep an eye out and be

sure to check which of the removed

patterns was your favorite in the new

Valentine’s update one of the biggest

issues according to many players was the

new map the there just wasn’t enough

time to do anything but the developers

have truly listened to the community and

with the release of part two the

official round time is being increased

to 6 minutes and if you use extra time

you can extend it to 7 Minutes the game

will feel much more comfortable you’ll

have more time to pick outfits search

for items and farm cash without feeling

like you’re constantly rushing the devs

will also continue monitoring feedback

so if this still isn’t enough they might

make even more adjustments in the future

honestly I think this is a fantastic

change especially with the huge amount

of new items added for players without

the speed boost game pass this is even

more important since there’s still no

teleportation around the hall let’s see

if this makes the gameplay feel smoother

the developers have listened to player

feedback regarding the brat and

Christmas chests this weekend all the

items from these chests will be added

back to the dressing rooms but the

chests themselves will stay in the game

this means there will now be two ways to

get these items so no one will miss out

but here’s something even more

interesting in the future when more

chests are added the devs are

considering removing dressing rooms

entirely this isn’t confirmed yet but

there’s a possibility that over time

chests will fully replace the old system

personally I feel like the chests are a

bit inconvenient since they’re placed so

far apart and with how big the map is I

never have enough time to run to them

but since the devs have already hinted

at removing dressing rooms we might as

well start getting used to the change

the developers are officially looking

for one to two new 3D modelers who

specialize in creating Male clothing and

hairstyles what could this mean most

likely we can expect more content for

male avatars in upcoming updates

possibly new hairstyles outfits and

accessories the community has been

asking for more variety in male fashion

for a while so it looks like the

developers are finally focusing on it

make sure to redeem the two new codes

along with the other ones I’m about to

show you they could disappear at any

moment so don’t wait go check them now

what are you waiting for now I’ll show

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